Monday, May 17, 2010

WTF mate!

So the other day my mommy and I were taking a leisurely walk when the scariest thing happened: a pit bull attacked me! I do not know what I did to warrant this attack. I was minding my own business when it happened. Mom and I walk by this house every day and I have never had a problem with this dog. She jumped over her fence and ran up to me. I sniffed her to say hey and next thing I know she's biting me! I tried to wiggle free from her grip but she wouldn't let go. Finally her daddy got a hold of her and she let go, but damn if she didn't scare me! It was very traumatic. I have a bite mark on my neck and leg, and my chest is all scratched up from her teeth. The next day my mommy walked me again and we went by the house. I was not really looking forward to another confrontation with the beast. But i made it by with no problems. However as a little F-U to that dog: I pee on your fence everytime we walk by now. You can't hold me down!

Still Surviving,


Friday, May 7, 2010


Yay! It's friday and that means a long walk downtown! Mommy gets off work early today so hopefully we will go for a nice walk down to the water. Tomorrow morning too and sunday is sunday funday! Can't wait! As for the rest of today pretty uneventful although there was a cat sitting on my porch today. It was like a mean joke! I couldn't play with it because I was stuck inside. I need a friend to play with...maybe the dog park will be an excursion for sunday.

Signing Off

Monday, May 3, 2010

Cloudy day blues

I am so bored! Its cloudy outside and looks like it's going to rain so I don't think my mommy is going to be taking me for a long walk today. Bummer! I think several naps are in my future for today...hopefully it will clear up.

Bowie-San, signing off

Monday, April 26, 2010

The CB Adventure

Well today has been pretty boring so far. I need an adventure! My walks are fun and all, but I hate that darn leash. As soon as I feel like I'm going somewhere, I get jerked back because I don't have anymore lead on the leash! It's a cruel game really. It's times like these when I remember my past adventures of freedom. Like the time I got out of the backyard and wound up in Carolina Beach. That was a good time! The things I saw, the trees I peed on, and the people I met...I had a blasty! The key to that adventure was the sweet escape I made. At the time I was hanging out with my home-girl Norma Jean at her daddy's house. She was not interested in joining me for some reason, but it was her loss. I found an opening in the fence and wiggled my way through. I was so amazed that I made it out, that I just stood there for a good 5 minutes in awe. I couldn't believe how easy it was! Then a squirrel caught my eye and it was on. I ran through the field behind the house and smelled so many new scents that intrigued me. It was awesome!!! Then I decided to see what all was out there for me to explore. I walked a ways down the street marking my new territory like I owned the block. I was so excited about the sites and sounds that I didn't realize how far I had walked. By this time it was pretty dark and I had no idea where I was. "Man, my mom is going to be pissed" was the only thought going through my head at this point. I started to get pretty scared to be quite honest. I'm all about a good adventure, but where was I going to sleep? Who was going to feed me? "Damn, maybe this was a bad idea" I thought. I was so lost. Lucky for me someone picked me up and gave me a ride. I don't think they liked me too much though because next thing I knew I was being kicked out of the car. My poor tummy had some gnarly road rash all over it. I don't know what I did wrong. It could have been the cobra-strike....Anyway, I found myself walking around a Food Lion parking lot all the way in Carolina Beach! That's like 15-20 minutes from Norma Jean's house! Thankfully, a good samaritan scooped me up and dropped me off at a vet, and before I knew it my mom and Norma's daddy were there to pick me up. I was so happy to see them! But I knew I was in deep trouble. I knew that my days of adventure were over. But I dream about CB every now and then when I get the itch for fun!! Well, looks like it's nap time for me folks!

Bowie-San, signing off

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Let Me Introduce Myself

While I need no introductions, I figured I would fill you humans in on a few things about me. First off, I am a 3 year old boston terrier. I pretty much rock in all areas of my life. My mom, Dara, may not think that I listen very well sometimes, but little does she know that I do. I just play like I don't listen. That's how I keep her under my thumb. My daily activities include sleeping, chewing on rawhides, digging through my mom's laundry, and people watching through the living room window. Cobra-striking is how I often greet new people so watch out if you visit. Well, gotta jet about to snoop and poop through the neighborhood!

Check you later,
